In terms of function, Tanderrum Pedestrian Bridge is like any other bridge: Rising to the Melbourne Park sports precinct, it serves as a main entry point for the Australian Open. But in its form, which closely follows the underlying topography atop sculptural concrete legs, it stands above. The bridge’s slender spans are encased in a filigree of bent steel rods that line its volumetric profile, rise up its sides to form balusters and guardrails and even project skyward at intervals to form lampposts. With every contour and integrated feature shaped from uniform rods, the effect is of an entire structure woven, like a wicker basket, from a single material.
Project: Tanderrum Pedestrian Bridge Location: Melbourne, Australiaa Firm: John Wardle Architects (Australia) and NADAAA (USA) in collaboration with Oculus (Australia/USA)
Team: John Wardle, Stefan Mee and Nader Tehrani with Electrolight and GHD