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Water Miner imagines a future Johannesburg in which climate catastrophe forces citizens to live in the gold mines beneath the city. Part architectural rendering, part graphic novel, the work tells a dystopian story with a utopian turn.

Joburg’s residents build subterranean smart homes and 3D printers to provide them with food. They regreen the city from the ground up, harvesting climate-adaptive crops, and transform the downtown high-rises into research centres and water-monitoring stations. In time, catastrophe becomes a force for renewal.

AZ Awards 2021 Finalist: Water Miner – Johannesburg 2050

Water Miner imagines a future Johannesburg in which climate catastrophe forces citizens to live in the gold mines beneath the city.

Explore more Award Winners

Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Minto, Alaska, USA
University of Virginia, USA
People’s ChoiceA+ Award for Student Work
Lawrence, U.S.
Abbie Ford, Abby Eleeson, Ace Brown, Brady Whitehill, Casey Chura, Dakota Tubbs, Gabby Foster, Jack Swezy, Jean-Marc Juston, Kaitlin Hoines, Kelly Schorn, Leah Ferrara, Lindsey Freund, Maddy Irwin, Maggy Dickherber, Nate Hulse, Norah Swift, Riley Estrada, Ryan Everson, Tiffany Nguyen and Vinny Hyunh
University of Kansas (Instructor: Dan Rockhill, Studio 804)
Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Benny Kwok, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada