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Coscienza Intuitiva, A+ Student Award, AZ Awards 2019

The Coscienza Intuitiva, a conceptual piece and the thesis project of Italian student Federico Fauli, belongs to no particular era in design history – or, rather, it belongs to multiple eras at once. Fauli’s speculative tower, envisioned for the Piazza Caracciolo, in a once-thriving Palermo marketplace, would be constructed using the debris of the past. Imagine a mixed-media assemblage of old cupolas and colonnades, gables and gargoyles, all piled on top of each other, like a Robert Rauschenberg work, if Rauschenberg did architecture. The envisioned structure combines these antique ruins with more recent found objects, such as discarded toys and outmoded electronics. It would stand as a monument to human waste and industriousness. Like time itself, it would be endless.

Project Coscienza Intuitiva School Architectural Association School of Architecture, U.K. Team Federico Fauli with tutors Efrén Ga Grinda, Christina Díaz Moreno and Benjamin Reynolds 

Coscienza Intuitiva

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