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Azure AZ Awards of Merit Design 08

Despite its unassuming aesthetic, DR700 is an exceptional bulb. It emits a warm white light at 720 lumens (the output of a 50‑watt halogen) but uses just 10 watts. It’s also compatible with AC transformers and dimmers, so it can replace halogens in commercial interiors, boosting overall energy efficiency. Perhaps the coolest detail is the thermal monitoring system, which automatically dims the bulb if it gets too hot, ensuring that it achieves its 70,000-hour lifespan. Free of mercury and lead, DR700 is made from completely recyclable components. We hope this Australian product will be lighting up North America in no time.


DR700 retrofit bulb

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Winner + People’s ChoiceLighting Fixtures
Konstantin Grcic, Berlin, Germany
Flos, Brescia, Italy
Award of MeritLighting Fixtures
Jasper Morrison, U.K.
Flos, Italy
People’s ChoiceLighting Fixtures
Design Firm
Pensar, Seattle, Washington
Design Team
Alex Diener and Kristin Will with Max Baker, Chad Brinckerhoff, Jonathan Hadley, Aaron Johnson, John Manthey, John Murkowski, Andrew Royal and Trent Wetherbee