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The headquarters of this production company serves the many needs of a five-team workforce. To encourage both independence and interconnectedness, BO-DA Architecture devised a five-storey office of two stacked forms – joined by a central window-clad stairwell – that fit beautifully into their tight, sloping site. On the three floors that sit fully above grade, each team is given an entire wing to itself, while the split-level design enables easy communication.

The building is as conducive to relaxation as it is to work: the bottom levels include a sunken garden, a floor made from beautiful multi-hued wood, and a two-storey vinyl LP library.

Project: Group 8 Headquarters

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Firm: BO-DA Architecture, South Korea

Team: Melody Song and Xinyi Wang with Minyuk Chai

People’s Choice: Buildings Under 1,000SqM
Group 8 Headquarters
BO-DA Architecture and Neri&Hu won 2017 AZ Awards of Merit for devising an office headquarters and a chapel that are equally inspiring and elegant.

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