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AZ Awards 2022 Finalist: Meadow + Forest: Restoring Habitats by OJB

Transforming what was once a flood-prone tract next to an arboretum at Ford’s 81-hectare world headquarters in Dearborn, Michigan, OJB has also reimagined the very purpose of green space itself. Rather than simply replanting the lawn with a mix of local wildflowers, the designers opted for a quilted pattern of native flora species suited to the site’s varied topography and ecology, complemented by rainwater retention ponds, apiaries and a three-metre-wide multi-use trail for pedestrians and cyclists. Now, what was once an uninspiring expanse of grass (which required costly regular maintenance) is a diverse and self-sustaining parkland for local wildlife, a carbon sink and a flood mitigator.

AZ Awards 2022 Finalist: Meadow + Forest: Restoring Habitats by OJB

Team Cody S. Klein with Simon Beer (OJB); Erich Smith; Wade Trim; Daniel Zummallen (Sweeney & Associates)

Meadow + Forest: Restoring Habitats

Now, what was once an uninspiring expanse of grass is a diverse and self-sustaining parkland for local wildlife, a carbon sink and a flood mitigator.

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Vourliotes, Samos, Greece
K-Studio (Athens, Greece) with Ballian (Kallithea, Greece), LAST Lighting Architecture Studio (Athens, Greece) and Fytron Landscapes (Thessaloniki, Greece)
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Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Montreal, Quebec
Daoust Lestage, Montreal
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