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AZ Awards 2022 Finalist: The Chamber Church by BUZZ/Büro Ziyu Zhuang

Looked at one way, the Chamber Church in Shandong, China, is a typical — even prototypical — place of Christian worship, with its spire, belfry and nave. It’s scenic, too, thanks to the artificial pond out back. But in place of a single exterior skin, the structure comprises 60 two-dimensional “slices” lined up sequentially, giving the facade an abstracted quality and distributing sunlight evenly throughout its cavelike interiors. The architect has achieved a rarity in his field: a radical design that nevertheless feels deeply familiar.

AZ Awards 2022 Finalist: The Chamber Church by BUZZ/Büro Ziyu Zhuang

Team Ziyu Zhuang with Fanshi Yu, Fabian Wieser and Na Li

The Chamber Church

With the Chamber Church, BUZZ and Büro Ziyu Zhu have achieved a rarity in the field: a radical design that nevertheless feels deeply familiar.

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