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For the sixth annual AZ Awards, our intrepid jury narrowed the field from over 800 submissions, received from dozens of countries, to select just 48 finalists that stood above the rest. In addition to presenting the AZ Award winners, Azure recognized these projects, products and concepts with Awards of Merit.

With this orphanage for 24 children in Anse‑à-Pitres, Haiti, the Ayitimoun Yo NGO offered architect Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone the chance to build his first project. Inspired by local typologies, he created an open, innovative mixed-use complex that still feels welcoming, familiar and safe. On an elevated slab of earthquake-proof concrete, a post-and-beam framework upholds six roofs, like a row of little houses, over three volumes of handmade bricks topped with mosquito nets. A central courtyard gives the orphans room to play, and a place to socialize with other children from the area, helping to break down the walls of social stigma.

Location: Anse‑à-Pitres, Haiti

Firm: Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone, Italy

Team: Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone with Vittorio Capraro, Fabio Mannucci and Edoardo Monti

People’s Choice: Social Good
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Award of MeritSocial Good
Mochudi, Botswana
Richard Kroeker Design
Award of MeritBuildings Under 1,000SqM
Award of MeritSocial Good
Location: Constitución, Chile
Sebastian Irarrázaval Arquitectos, Chile
Award of MeritSingle-Family Houses
Award of MeritSocial Good
Beijing, China
People’s Architecture Office, China