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Azure AZ Awards of Merit Student 07
Azure AZ Awards of Merit Student 08

Submerged in the Vltava River, a 75-metre-long trough would pay poetic homage to Václav Havel, the Czech playwright and politician who spent many of his 75 years battling Communist oppression. Installed at a point triangulated between three Prague landmarks intrinsic to Havel’s life (the parliament, the theatre and his home), the volume would be drained by concealed pipes. Intrepid visitors could hire a boat, row over to the monument and step down into it, walking along the grate flooring to be at eye level with the river’s surface. Fourth-year student Libor Šenekel proposes cladding it in green quartz so the water appears evenly hued, rather than frothy white, as it cascades over the edges.

Václav Havel’s Monument

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Shree Kale and Anna Fritz
Rice University, U.S. (Professor Nicholas Gilliland)
Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Savannah College of Art and Design, U.S.
Mark Hemphill with Christopher Dowell and Sanaz Karbasi
People’s ChoiceA+ Award for Student Work
Lawrence, U.S.
Abbie Ford, Abby Eleeson, Ace Brown, Brady Whitehill, Casey Chura, Dakota Tubbs, Gabby Foster, Jack Swezy, Jean-Marc Juston, Kaitlin Hoines, Kelly Schorn, Leah Ferrara, Lindsey Freund, Maddy Irwin, Maggy Dickherber, Nate Hulse, Norah Swift, Riley Estrada, Ryan Everson, Tiffany Nguyen and Vinny Hyunh
University of Kansas (Instructor: Dan Rockhill, Studio 804)

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