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AZ Awards 2023 Finalist: Aesop Yorkville by Odami

This latest Toronto outpost of beloved Australian skincare company Aesop combines the brand’s trademark minimalism with deft infusions of local vernacular. Toronto firm Odami took inspiration from the Yorkville neighbourhood’s distinctive Victorian row houses to create wainscotting from tightly spaced wooden spindles painted oxblood red — a nod to the carved balusters found on the area’s porches and staircases. These shapes are echoed by a trio of revolving cylinders set into the rear wall, which houses Aesop’s fragrance line, and are contrasted by an asymmetrical communal sink whose form recalls a timeworn pedestal washbasin.

AZ Awards 2023 Finalist: Aesop Yorkville by Odami

Team Aránzazu González Bernardo and Michael Fohring (Odami); Christie Pearson (Christie Pearson Architect); Abhi Bhogal, Kiel Fernandes and Talha Khan (Spline Group); Travis Burke (Structure Corp.); Unique Store Fixtures

Award of Merit: Commercial and Institutional Interiors
Aesop Yorkville

This latest Toronto outpost of the Australian skincare company combines the brand’s trademark minimalism with deft infusions of local vernacular.

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Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, Shanghai, China
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Toronto, Canada
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