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AZ Awards 2022 Finalist: Filing Pieces — Hall’s Lane Creative Studios by Vincent Chuang and Zihao Wei

University of Waterloo students Vincent Chuang and Zihao Wei propose repaving an alleyway in the growing metropolis of Kitchener, Ontario, and transforming it into a cultural corridor. Some of their amenities — like the brewery, artists’ residence and maker space — would reside in a repurposed brick structure. Others — like the pottery, sculpture, glass-blowing and performance studios — would inhabit infill buildings in former parking lots. The kitchen, meanwhile, would come with a public greenhouse. Before drawing up their plans, the two interviewed local residents to ensure that the program reflects their needs.

AZ Awards 2022 Finalist: Filing Pieces — Hall’s Lane Creative Studios by Vincent Chuang and Zihao Wei
Filling Pieces — Hall’s Lane Creative Studios

University of Waterloo students Vincent Chuang and Zihao Wei propose repaving an alleyway in the growing metropolis of Kitchener, Ontario, and transforming it into a cultural corridor.

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