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Tapped in 2006 to lead the redevelopment of this 70-hectare island off the southern tip of Manhattan, West 8’s New York office just completed the second phase of its master plan: a playful four-hectare park. The park’s four sculpted mounds, which make up a flood protection barrier that ranges from eight to 21 metres high, are made of recycled demolition debris. These hills (Grassy, Slide, Discovery and Outlook) tease hikers with a sense of anticipation by staging such moments as the “granite scramble” and “hammock grove” along a promenade of constructed views, which alternately conceal and reveal Manhattan’s iconic skyline in a series of spectacular vistas.

Project: Governors Island Phase 2: The Hills

Location: New York, U.S.

Firm: West 8, Netherlands

Team: Claire Agre, Lisa DuRussel, Adriaan Geuze, Perry Maas and Daniel Vasini

Governors Island Phase 2: The Hills
Azure recognized these three landscape and temporary architecture projects from around the world with 2017 AZ Awards of Merit.

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People’s ChoiceLandscape Architecture
Copenhagen, Denmark
Cobe, Denmark
WinnerLandscape Architecture
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Stoss Landscape Urbanism
Scott Bishop and Chris Reed with Caroline Aragon, Tim Barner, Cathy Braasch, Nick Buehrens, Steve Carlucci, Jill Desimini, Adrian Fehrmann, Susan Fitzgerald, Carl Frushour, Hiroshi Hatae, Jana Kienitz, Lisl Kotheimer, Shannon Lee, Kristin Malone, Bryan Miyahara, Chris Muskopf, Graham Palmer, Megan Studer and Sarah Wright
People’s ChoiceBuildings Under 1,000SqM
Award of MeritLandscape Architecture
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Straub Thurmayr Landscape Architects and Urban Designers, Winnipeg
Dietmar Straub and Anna Thurmayr

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