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In Karim Rashid’s scalable seating system, a mix of straight, concave and convex elements combine to create wave-like arrangements that allow individuals seated on opposite sides to have more heart-to-heart conversations. Of course, matchmaking is rarely as straightforward as it looks. In this case, the design’s sweeping curves are made possible by innovative rigid foam construction and four-way-stretch upholstery. In another clever manufacturing move, Heartbeat’s three elements are all assembled from different combinations of the same half-components, thus reducing the number of moulds required to make them and streamlining warehouse inventory. Moreover, since the connectors that hold each element together can be quickly released, it’s easy to reconfigure an arrangement when it comes time for a lobby redo.

Project Heartbeat Designer Karim Rashid, U.S. Manufacturer Nienkämper, Canada Photo Peter Lusztyk


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