Conceived as a model for other schools in Haiti, this uplifting building — with its raised corrugated-steel roof supported on green-painted trusses — features two L-shaped volumes with light-filled, naturally ventilated spaces around a large courtyard and play area for its 300 students. Built from CMU block and concrete, the project prioritized hurricane and seismic safety; the facade’s rhythm of reinforced piers and openings is based on playfully shifting the CMU block piers, which transfer loads to the foundation. Not only does the building provide educational and extracurricular art and music spaces for its students, it’s also used for community meetings and is designed to be adapted into a hospital or other type of amenity if needed in the future.

Team Pierre-Henri Hoppenot (PHH) with Eckersley O’Callaghan and JSC Construction
Not only does La Référence provide art and music spaces for its students, it’s also used for community meetings and can be adapted into a hospital.