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Particle Accelerator is not your average bedside lamp. It sits atop a 2.5-metre table, powered by two industrial black powder-coated boxes; the shorter one contains the electrical transformer, and the taller one encloses a vacuum system. A black marble base supports the final component: a hand-blown glass vacuum tube under a curving metal shade. At one end of the airtight tube, electrodes transmit a current through the vessel. In a demonstration of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, a column of luminous plasma ripples along the length of the glass tube, dramatically changing from pinkish-purple to white before dying out.

Project: Particle Accelerator

Studio: Castor Design, Canada

Designers: Kei Ng and Brian Richer with Nathan Watson

Particle Accelerator
A massive interactive artwork and a particle accelerator-inspired bedside lamp took home 2017 AZ Awards of Merit in the category of Lighting Installations.

Explore more Award Winners

Award of MeritLighting Installations
Licht Kunst Licht with Ingenieurbüro Heiming and ttsp hwp seidel Planungsgesellsch
Isabel Sternkopf with Ingenieurbüro Heiming, Andreas Schulz and Tanja Nopens
WinnerLighting Installations
Licht Kunst Licht, Staab Architekten, Berlin
Winner + People’s ChoiceLighting Installations
Alex Josephson with Pooya Baktash and Jona­than Friedman
Partisans, Toronto

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