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A proposal for a seaweed-processing plant near Bar Harbor, Maine, the Stack Politic makes ingenious use of hyper-local materials. The aquatic base of the structure would feature stones salvaged from a nearby quarry and arranged in a crib formation. On top of it are drying huts, made of timber with seaweed insulation and topped with a slate roof.

The most innovative building material of all, though, is the surrounding water, which would engulf the base of the structure during high tides, enabling seaweed farmers to canoe up to the huts and deposit their harvest.

AZ Awards 2021 Finalist: The Stack Politic

A proposal for a seaweed-processing plant near Bar Harbor, Maine, the Stack Politic makes ingenious use of hyper-local materials.

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WinnerA+ Award for Student Work
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Nicole Cao, Brampton, Ontario, Canada
University of Waterloo
Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Canada
Roya Aghighi with Frank Ko and Addie Bahi of AMPEL UBC and Sunjoo Joo and Jae-Hyeok Lee of Botany Lab UBC
Award of MeritA+ Award for Student Work
Johannesburg, South Africa
Mingyang Sun and Fangyuan Sheng
University of Pennsylvania (Instructor: Christopher Marcinkoski)